Daily Passes
Observers ....................................$1.25
Adult Fishing.................................$7.50
Youth Fishing................................$4.50
Senior Fishing............................ ...$6.50
Military .........................................$6.50
Children Under 6yrs..................... Free
Annual Discount Passes
Annual Fishing Pass ....................$290.25
SRIA Fees 5% and Sales Tax 7.5% Included in price
Senior Annual Fishing Pass..........$273.40
SRIA Fees 5% and Sales Tax 7.5% Included in price
Youth Annual Fishing Pass....... ...$256.50
SRIA Fees 5% and Sales Tax 7.5% Included in price
Annual Walking Pass................. 67.73$
SRIA Fees 5% and Sales Tax 7.5% Included in price
Weekly Discount Passes
Weekly Fishing Pass ....................$45.00
Weekly Waling Pass.....................$5.00
Fishing Rod and Reel Daily...........$6.00
Cooler W/Rolling Cart..................$5.00
Pier Nets .....................................$5.00
T-Shirts and Tank Tops
On Sale in the Gift Shop - Go Fish on the Pier